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Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Kali ini aku akan membagikan sebuah teks pidato bahasa innggris yang berjudul "THE ROLE OF MADRASAH EDUCATION IN FACING THE CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZATION ERA" Yang Alhamdulillah Pada kegiatan PORSENI Lalu aku berhasil mendapatkan juara I English Speech Contest di MTsN Sindangjaya Untuk Tingkat KKM. Berikut adalah teks pidatonya:

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Hamdan Wa Syukronlillah, Aama ba’du

In the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful. Praise be to Allah the Lord of universe. God who has given us the mercy in all conditions,the rainbow in every storms, smile in every tears, and gives us the answer in every prays.

Peace and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the clevernes.

The Honorable judges,
The Honorable Teachers,
The Honorable Audiences, ladies and gentelmen and all my beloved Friends.

Indeed, It’s a very great pleasure for me in this occasion to deliver the speech. But, before i deliver it, i would like to introduce myself. I’m Ari Akmal Maula the eighth grade of MTsN Sindangjaya.

Ladies and gentelmen, we know that the time is changing from the day by day, and even year by year. Unconsciously , we have entered the globalization era that give any influences and challenges to the human life. Especially, to us as the a student of madrasah. So, in this occasion i would like to deliver the speech that entitle. “The role of madrasah education in facing the challenges of the globalization era”.

Globalization is a process in facing the life system in global in any aspects. Like economy, social culture, tecnology and others. Globalization of information that noh has important role by the internet sytem that widely connect the world. This internet that infuence the teenagers who have big coriousity.

Are there any positive sides of globaization for us?

Yaa,, globalization gives many advantages for us. Although we relize that it also gives many negative things. But, whatever the effects will be appear, it based on us in accepting it. And the positive sides from the globalization era are like as follow:

·         First, we can easily get many informations both national and international informations. For student like us,it is very useful . we can study the social culture from other country. In short, it can enlarge our sight of the world.
·         Second, we can easily communicate with all people around the world.
·         And even many people became rich only because the internet.

But in other case , globalization important the people in the negative sides. So, we have to be selective in entering this era. As we know the negative sides of this era especially globalization of technology are like as follow:

·         First, people tend to be individual. They don’t care the life with others.
·         Then, people forget the religion rule. Now, many people have been influenced by the liberal life that consider all activities are based on their need. They now put aside the rule of  religious life.

Most of us can not select what we get, they apply the culture from other country. That is not suitable with our culture. We can see , many teenagers proudly wear the skiny cloth and even wear the coth that far from the islamic rule

·         And other effects, the people used to do the instant life style. They consider the life is easy, whereas, the real life is hard and not appropriate with their thoughts.

By seeing  that negative sides of globalization , madrasah education has important role in keeping the students in this globalization era. So we are as the student of madrasah, must be proud and happy in choosing the madrasah as a place to study. In compare with other school, madrasah education has a great vision. Beside it gives a common science, it also gives a plus science. That is the religion science or islamic science that become a life foundation of the student. Islamic science learn both life in the world and hereafter. So, people will not be free in behaving.

In short, a strong relligion science tha given by madrasah will at least help us in facing the challenges of the globalization era. So as young generation, let’s strengthen our religiousity and be smart in selecting what ever we get.

Once more, as a student of madrasah. I ask you to be smart and selective in facing the globalization era.

That’s all my speech, i think enough for me to this point. Hopefully it will be useful.
Thank’s for your attentions and forgive for all my mistakes.

Wabillahitaufik Wal Hidayahh..
Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb


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